Friday, March 23, 2012


First off, I want to acknowledge my lack of posts. I want to make sure each post is meaningful and purposeful. Each post should have some usefulness. I don't want to be too random.

That said here is a random story about my week:

My week started off pretty well at CVS over the weekend (see CVS Game post); I was in high spirits. That is until Monday night.

I started a new EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) treatment to help me "heal" from my past and move towards a better future. In other words together my therapist and I dig up and rip WIDE open all the wounds I have buried DEEP DEEP down in a dark space with a pad lock and bull dogs with rabies viciously guarding the entrance. Sounds like fun doesn't it.

The next few days were a black hole of annoyance.

Surprise, surprise a fight with my husband followed over much of nothing. This ultimately meant an apology actualized by him doing the dishes and watching our son. While basking in the glory of a clean kitchen, I celebrated by treating myself to Jimmy John's sans child and husband.

Now Jimmy John's is an excellent eating establishment. It's clean, fast and they have super yummy bread - which is critical in the sandwich making business. 

I ordered the Beach Club, my favorite. Why you ask? Well, because it has avocado and alfalfa sprouts that add fresh flavor and a nice crunchy texture.

For those of you who are not familiar with JJ's the Beach Club is "fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and mayo".


While eating my sandwich I realized there were barely any avocado and NO sprouts. I was crushed. How could they do this to me? I was depending on those sprouts for the enjoyment of my entire sandwich.

I called the store immediately to ask if they perhaps made a mistake. Instead I was informed the store doesn't carry sprouts anymore and they are only allowed to put one teaspoon of avocado spread on the Beach Club. WhAT?!

I paid extra $ for 3 cucumber slices, 3 slices of provolone cheese and a teaspoon of avocado spread… ARG! Why didn't you tell me that when I ordered, how could this happen? I then tearfully complained about the lack of avocado on the phone with the young female cashier who I am sure thought I was losing it entirely. She offered a polite "I'm sorry" and hung up. Fast forward to me emailing the manager from JJ's website.

And there you have it. I made it through Monday, Tuesday, EVEN Wednesday but mess up my JJ's and the wrath of my entirely not stable enough condition will come crashing down on you... thus how sprouts put me over the edge.

If I was cool like this post would be full of pictures of me grimacing and a sandwich that is entirely devoid of quality and me with incredible pouty eyes seeking justice for my lack of sandwich satisfaction. But I’m not, and I can't draw.... So just picture it yourself.

The CVS Game

This weekend I had amazing success playing the CVS Game. Armed with $5 in CVS Extra Care Bucks (ECBs), several CVS coupons, a few cents off coupons and lots of good in-store deals;

I took CVS by storm and claimed victory!

People ask me all the time how to play the CVS Game and it's a bit elaborate. I suggest going over to to read her tutorial. That along with an established player are what got me started. Here are just a few quick tips:

Anytime you enter a CVS store scan your CVS card before you shop at the CVS Rewards Coupon Center.

photo provided by CVS Caremark

You get excellent coupons like the ones used below. I often receive 2-3 coupons at a time. Some expire the same day, that is why I suggest picking them up before you shop. 

If you don't have one already, pick up a green tag. They are $1 at the register. Every time you shop at CVS bring your own bag and earn $0.25 toward a $1 reward. This goes for prescription refills too. You can use it once per day. I have earned $13 using this method in just a few short months.

Check out all the FREE things I "bought" for $0.62 (tax):

You can still claim these deals and here's how:

Snickers Egg and/or Milky Way Bunny - priced 2/$1.50
Use $1.50/2 Mars products (AllYou Magazine)
Use $0.25/2 CVS coupon - the cashier was reluctant to do this, but in the end she gave way.
= FREE + $0.25 overage

Mitchum Advanced Deodorant - priced $1.99
Use $1/1 coupon (smartsource) 
Use $1/1 CVS coupon.

The Jellybeans were delicious shear luck!!
Starburst original Jellybeans 14oz - priced at $2.49
Use $2.00/1 CVS coupon 
= $0.49 - overage from the Mars CVS coupon =  $0.24

I also purchased over 130 name brand "feminine hygiene" products ($10) and two Clean and Clear face washes ($6) using various in store ECB offers, previously earned ECBs and cents off coupons...

In total I spent ~ $17 on $50 in product.

Julia 1 CVS 0